Elsie Village Manager
(989)862-4273 Ext 7
125 W Main St Elsie MI 48831
Meet the Manager
The Village Manager serves at the pleasure of the Village Council and acts as the chief administrative officer of the Village of Elsie. The Village Manager administers and coordinates various functions of the Village government as stated in the Village Charter as well as any ordinances and resolutions passed by the Village Council. The Village Manager of Elsie is responsible for the following duties:
Village Council Relations
Researches and prepares agenda items for Village Council meetings ensures the accurate and objective representation of such items, and attends all meetings of the Village Council.
Community Relations
Works to connect with residents, businesses, and other interest groups in order to exchange information regarding their needs and Village practices and policies. It is the goal of the Village Manager to ensure that Village employees project a professional image and treat all members of the public with respect.
General Administration
Administers the day-to-day operations of the Village and ensures that Village practices and policies comply with state and federal laws that affect local governments.
Budget Administration
Works in conjunction with the Clerk/Treasurer in preparing the annual budget and oversees its administration throughout the fiscal year. The Manager is also responsible for regularly communicating the financial well-being of the Village to members of the Village Council.
Personnel / Labor Relations
The Village Manager oversees the Village Department heads. The Manager provides regular feedback to staff members regarding their performance and encourages Village employees to take ownership of and responsibility for their work.
Council-Manager Government
The council-manager form of government combines the strong political leadership of an elected council with the strong managerial experience of an appoint village or city manager. The council retains all the power and authority to set and pursue policy and policy changes.
This form of government has become the most popular structure of local government within the United States. This style of governing was born out of the progressive reform era at the turn of the 20th century.
The council-manager form of government combines the strong political leadership of an elected council with the strong managerial experience of an appoint village or city manager. The council retains all the power and authority to set and pursue policy and policy changes.</p><p>This form of government has become the most popular structure of local government within the United States. This style of governing was born out of the progressive reform era at the turn of the 20th century