Village of Elsie

Village of Elsie, MI

Small Town . . . Big Hearts

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The Elsie Police Department provides property checks while residents are vacationing.

If you would like the Police Department to check your property while you are away, please complete and submit this form, which provides us with pertinent information such as who will be checking in on your property, what lights will be on, and key holder information, as well as other useful information.

The officers will take this sheet with them on patrol to refer to while checking your property and will note dates and times when it is checked.

Please be aware, your property must be within the Village limits in order to receive this service.

Once submitted a copy of the form will be emailed to the police department. Alternatively, if you do not wish to submit online you can request this service by completing a paper form at the Village office, and returning it to the Elsie Police Department Department at 125 W Main St Elsie MI 48831